Peaceful Body
Reduce or Eliminate Chronic Pain Now
The natural voice resonates vital harmonies for pain reduction and healing.
Using the sounds of the natural voice to produce personal vibrations, we not only re-route the neural pain path, but also introduce new vibrations to unaffected areas, often activating deeper breathing and stronger heart rhythms, stimulating the lymphatic system, reducing edema, and activating the growth of new cells.
When sound therapy is used to treat pain instead of using medication (or in addition to meds), the body is able to re-establish pain-free functions in a shorter amount of time. Some participants report immediate relief that lasts for hours after a session. Therapeutic sound techniques for pain reduction are guided for 30 minutes each with five pre-recorded sessions that each reflect a different quality of sound and healing journey that feels most comfortable to you.
Find a comfortable place with pillows, blankets, a cup of tea, and privacy so you can make the most of your healing session. Join a session any weekday morning at 8:00 a.m. PST. Pay for the session and you will receive a login code.