+1 805 924 1481 shara@naturaltune.com

Sound Therapies for Dynamic Wellness

Dynamic wellness is a state of health that is moving, self-correcting, and always changing to integrate corrective response patterns that can heal and balance consistently. When the response patterns are weak or non-existent, our brains cannot get the beneficial messages to our bodies and illness or emotional trauma can begin to rise.

Through sound therapies we expand our neural pathways and make our body more receptive to vibrations that restore our balance. When we use the sounds of our own voices, the brain is more capable of perceiving minute fluctuations in the body rhythm, and can begin to “stretch” its responses in order to keep us in perfect harmony.

There are a lot of complex processes that occur when we speak, sing, or make any kind of sound. We could easily refer to the science and anatomy of body sound, which is a huge body of work. For the purposes of transforming or healing ourselves, we trust the natural voice and hand-played musical instruments to produce beneficial vibrations that “remind” the brain of its perfect balance. When we are balanced, there are fewer opportunities for illness or dysfunction to occur, and the brain signals the body to return to its optimal state. When you agree to use your natural voice for this process, you become your own healer.

Using the natural voice, increased personal power overcomes conditions that once imposed limitation. When we finally experience the power of our natural voices – our true and raw voice without embellishment – we will have achieved the ultimate freedom.

I work with clients to help them fall in love with their voices, and it has nothing to do with performance-style singing. It has to do with speaking authentically, powerfully, and truthfully. It has to do with singing comfortably (without apology or embarrassment.) It has to do with speaking in public, holding engaging conversations, and refraining from conversational deficits. By this I mean, when we are balanced in our bodies and feel comfortable with our voices, a psychological phenomenon happens. We do not need to lie or gossip, criticize or judge. When we feel balanced, whole, and complete in our ability to communicate with power, none of those conditions can exist in our consciousness. People change. Relationships change. Inner peace grows.

Starting with simple vocal exercises and moving into more complex sound combinations, we free our voices to send healing and transformative vibrations to the brain, where those vibrational messages are relayed through the spine to the entire body where they affect every cell.

Dynamic wellness also requires rhythm in our bodies. Learning how to harness the power of rhythm in our hands, feet, legs, and arms makes a huge difference in the way our bodies perceive fluctuating beats, symbolic of the fluctuating beats of life. We learn to dance with challenging situations instead of fearing them. We learn to find our perfect rhythm so we can move through life with a rich sense that we are in charge of our own beat.