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function validate(event) { return event.value.length > 0; }
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onInit: function (data, actions) { actions.disable();
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Thank you for your payment!
// Or go to another URL: actions.redirect('thank_you.html');
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onError: function (err) { console.log(err); } }).render('#paypal-button-container'); } initPayPalButton();
It occurred to me recently, I have spent the past nearly 20 years deeply focused on the pursuit of knowledge and experience in the realm of sound, tone, music, and energy healing. If I could make a guess, I would say I spent over 30,000 hours in classes and trainings, mentoring, guiding, teaching, reading, traveling, and meeting sound mystics of the world. It has been said by wise teachers, a student must spend more than 12,000 hours at an endeavor to become or be considered an expert. Well, I am not calling myself that, but I do know that I have acquired knowledge to spare and stories to tell; and it comes from so many directions, masters, and methods.
Sound healing has been a field that has been mistrusted and degraded by mainstream medicine and science in the past. As one of a few early adopters in the field, we had to stand strong in our wisdom in order to be heard and accepted, even though sound healing is a field of alternative medicine that is as old as humanity. In 20 years, there has not been an accredited academic education offered in the pure subject of sound that heals, even though the evidence and decades of experience could attest to the verity of this form of healing therapy. In fact, the only academic education that existed for a long while was offered by a school in San Francisco, CA, but even that has been tied to a graduate degree in Integral Medicine with a sound healing component.
For all the teachers and individual practitioners who, themselves never earned conventional college degrees because the education was not offered to them, I honor our path. We stuck in, stayed devoted, and continued to offer our knowledge and expertise even when medical science shunned us. Everything we teach was learned from experience and personal research, not organized by the requirements of academia. Most of the early sound healers sought their own education. I did the same. I found teachers, shamans, masters, and practitioners who could show me the way. In choosing this path for myself, I realized I would be walking outside the “lines” of conventional healing in favor of learning the old ways, the ways of our ancestors.
Today, there is almost one new article a day in the major news outlets extolling the virtues and successes of healing with sound. Using academic and medical protocol, they verify the power of this work, the work we early sound healers have known innately for decades. It is important that we honor the early pioneers, of which I am one. But also respect the science as it continues to evolve. In the end, the power of sound and its positive use in healing is the most important factor.
At this stage of my career, I am as eager as ever to remain engaged and devoted to the revealing of mysteries and realities of sound medicine, but I feel it is time for me to pay forward what was given to me by so many gifted teachers and healers along my journey. I will be sharing insights and stories, techniques, and methods, successes and failures so you can learn and become inspired as I post articles about my sound experiences and acquired wisdom.
I look forward to sharing insights and information with you in a way that expresses my very unique journey through sound and music.